

We are Specialized Retina & Vitreous Investigative and Surgical equipment

Retina (Fundus Camera) Topcon Japan

A dedicated camera utilizing a high-intensity flash coupled to a Digital (8 megapixels) camera takes large and very detailed pictures of the retina. (Video digital system). Image Net (Topcon Japan) Coupled to the camera upper-end graphic card enables the images captured to be analyzed, enhanced, and literally blown up digitally to a 1000X for examination in detail. The data can be transferred to anywhere in the world for a second opinion.

Doubled Freq EYELITE, (Argon Style) Yag Laser, (Alcon USA): Used for retinal laser

As compared to a Diode laser which is used in the operation theatre, the Freq2 Yag is painless and gives an exceeding good reaction, ideal for diabetic retinopathy patients and macular lesions. It has a dual delivery system and the laser can be delivered via a head-mount ophthalmoscope.

High-Intensity B-Scan ULTRASCAN (Alcon USA)

For scanning the retina to look for retinal detachment, distortions in the retina pattern and blood, exudates, and foreign bodies in the vitreous.


ACCURUS Vitreoretinal Surgical System Alcon (USA)

Considered to be one of the finest vitreoretinal surgical systems in the world. Standard at all major centers worldwide. Gives exceptional control and the ability to manage the most difficult retinal problems. Has automated air infusion, and automated silicone injection and removal systems.

Red Diode laser with endo laser capability

 Utilized to seal all the breaks and imperfections in the retina. A surgical toll par excellence.

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