The SCHWIND AMARIS is a super fast excimer LASIK laser with a 0.54 mm Super Gaussian profile at a true 500 Hz repetition rate. with dual fluence and a very advanced eye and embodies all the latest refinements for laser vision correction.
The Carriazo Pendular Microkerartome is the first 3rd Generation instrument that literally guarantees total safety with perfect results using a patented ultra-sophisticated computer-controlled system.
The Keratron Scout Corneal Topographer is a unique system for the analysis and correction of irregularities in corneal shape.
The COAS Hartman Shack “OrcaWave” is the highest resolution instrument for the determination of optical imperfections in
the human eye. Using it enables superlative visual results.
What is OrcaWave Wavefront-guided LASIK I?
It is a new technology that provides an advanced method for measuring optical distortions in the eye. Measuring and treating these distortions goes beyond nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatism determinations that have been used for centuries. As a result, physicians can now customize the LASIK procedure according to each individual patient’s unique vision correction needs.
The treatment is unique to each eye, just as a fingerprint is unique. OrcaWave Wavefront systems work by measuring how light is distorted as it passes into the eye and then is reflected back. This creates an optical map of the eye, highlighting individual imperfections.
What can OrcaWave Wavefront do for you?
During the patient evaluation process, Wavefront evaluation provides comprehensive individual diagnostic information, not available using earlier technologies. Thus, before surgery even begins, the surgeon is better able to determine the appropriate course of treatment.
During treatment Wavefront allows the surgeon to tailor the laser beam settings, making the surgical procedure itself more precise. In this way, wavefront technology offers the patients sharper, crisper, better quality vision, as well as a reduction in nighttime vision difficulties such as halos and glare.
OrcaWave Wavefront Customised technology is an adjunct tool used to enhance an already safe and effective procedure still more and give superlative vision.
The improved quality of vision benefits of OrcaWave customized Wavefront procedures is an important advancement for patients with corneal irregularities or aberrations.